Monday, February 26, 2007

5 things you didnt know about me

everyones doing it , cereberous world tagged me so what the hey !

1- I'm a mythology buff , I know most of the major pantheons by heart and most of the main myths .
Iin fact hebe is the greek godess of youth and the bearer of the gods ambrosia which endows them with eternal youth , she was also one of the wives of hercules . its utterly pointless esoteric knowledge but i find it fascinating

2- I spent half of my childhood in Namibia , a small country in southern Africa , I learnt both swahili and afrikaans there ,however i can't remember much of either language !

3- I hate talking on the phone , i feel awkward and buffonish and hence tend to ramble on idiotically to cover my self conciousness

4- I am a secret "phan" of the phantom of the opera , ever since i saw the play in the west end in london, since then i have read the original novel by gaston leroux (as well as a few of the dozens of spinoffs ) and play the soundtrack constantly . my favorite song is " music of the night"

5- I played the violin for 7 years , then one day i realized i was horrifically crap at it and decided to spare innocent listeners from mutilated renderings of swan lake (which i was exceedingly fond of playing) I sometimes wonder if i should have just practised a little harder .


Lens Geek said...

well, u told world 5 things nobody knows. Would u talk about ur experience in Africa in a series of posts.

Thank you so much

Jayda said...

Nice list. I second Cerebrosus, you should write about your time in Africa :)

What is it with our generation and playing musical instruments? I used to play the trumpet and I gave it up because the spit valve gave me the creeps.

The Swill Man said...

Egypt's technically in Africa...

The Legal Dealer said...

Mythology? Namibia? The violin? Wow, I'm totally and utterly impressed. I have a friend who's obsessed with the phantom, too. Apparently, there are a lot of you gals!

Lens Geek said...

Reading TAG !!!
check this tag its about what u read just click on the link

here is the link

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